Cindy Starks

Cindy Starks's Fundraiser

Give shoes. Give joy. Give hope. image

Give shoes. Give joy. Give hope.

Help people in need find a path out of poverty


$11,475 towards $15,000

Join me in supporting real change. Let's support good in the world and make a good difference. Soles4Souls helps people find their path out of poverty.

Just a small ($5 USD) amount to just about any ($$$$ USD) amount will help meet my goal of $15,000 USD for Soles4Souls' fundraiser campaign. For every dollar donated, you enable Soles4Souls to provide shoes to help create and sustain jobs, provide relief to people in need, and more specifically, support 4EveryKid

Happy 2025! 🎉

Image courtesy of Soles4Souls at the Hurricane Ian Relief in Florida

© C.S. #JoinThe6YearJourney: from 2020 to 2025 and #RandomActOfNiceness

Learn about: If you need some more convincing still to take action and support my fundraiser, watch the video below for inspiration.
#FreedomOfSpeech #FreedomOfExpression #FreedomOfFaith