Will McCaskill

Will McCaskill's Fundraiser

Help me raise funds to travel with Soles4Souls! image

Help me raise funds to travel with Soles4Souls!

Whether it's shoes to Soles 4 Souls in Nashville or Funding for me to take this trip, please help our cause!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$480 towards $1,500

I joined this trip last year because it was an exciting experience the Predators organization offered to its employees. Little did I know the impact the entire trip would have on my life. Seeing the pure joy on the face of these kids receiving something as simple as a new pair of shoes makes you really appreciate the things in life we have daily.

A trip and an opportunity to give back that I would like to continue for years to come, please help me in my fundraising efforts!
