Tami Dalger

Tami Dalger's Fundraiser

Host a shoe drive to get shoes to people in need image

Host a shoe drive to get shoes to people in need

Raise funds to ship much-needed shoes to Soles4Souls!


$0 towards $1,000

Join me in creating long-term solutions to global poverty. Help give people the tools they need to provide for themselves and their families.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me get shoes to those who need them most. When I was a young girl, I had a friend who's father told him, "you can tell a lot about a person by the shoes they wear". Since those early years of my life, I have heard this statement quite a few times. It has definitely taken on certain perspective that has shaped my life in being aware of my appearance and how I present myself. Blessed are the feet that carry the Good News, - The Bible. I wanted to do something good and make the world a better place. When I found out that 900 million people around the world live on less than $1.90 per day, with 400 million of them children, I knew I had to help. Making sure our feet feel and look good is very important to us. It is even more wonderful and blessed to make sure that some one else's feet are secure and comfortable with the proper shoes. Having shoes can bring a great sense of confidence and well-being in a person life. I am compelled to start from the bottom of a sole to reach a soul. Help me raise funds to ship these much needed essential items "shoes" to people and put a huge smile on a their face. I'm sure God will bless you and order you steps to help me reach these soles. He is a SOUL (SOLE) KEEPER. Peace and Grace,

Tami Dalger